Canaloplasty (Glaucoma Treatment) | Why Choose Canaloplasty?

2012-03-26 37

Dr. David D. Richardson (Eye Doctor, LA) answers one of the most commonly asked questions about Canaloplasty (an advanced minimally invasive glaucoma treatment), "Why Choose Canaloplasty?"

You may learn more about canaloplasty at


Dr. David Richardson: So why choose canaloplasty over other more traditional glaucoma surgeries such as trabeculectomy or tubes? Well, there are number of reasons but the main one is SAFETY.

Canaloplasty simply is a safer surgery and there are multiple studies that look at its safety profile and this can easily be compared with those of trabeculectomy and tubes shunts. For example, it’s very very rare for anyone to lose vision from canaloplasty; it’s not so rare with trabeculectomy. As a matter of fact, with trabeculectomy there’s a lifetime risk of loss of vision from what’s called endophthalmitis. Such a risk does not exist with canaloplasty...